News Item: EMULE MODS NEWS - 24.06.11
(Category: eMule News)
Posted by Andrey
Friday 24 June 2011 - 19:49:00

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.4 Released
eMule 0.50a Scarangel 4.2 Released

eMule 0.50a ZZUL-TRA 2.4

Add: Upload fileprio menu in downloadlist
Add: Powershare menu in downloadlist
Add: Advanced official preferences to options-extended [Official/MorphXT]
Add: Chinese (P.R.C.) language dll (zh_CN.dll) [thx paldier]
Add: Additional File Formats [gagar]
Readd: UrlClient
Remove: Remove MediaInfo 0.4 Support [dolphinx]
Change: Blockratio % moved from status column to speed column
Change: Code cleanings, minor fixes, tagging, optimizations
Change: All strings can now be localized
Fix: Auto Server Disconnet Time setting

Clean install recommended !!! (or delete only preferences.ini because a error inside)
Support forum


eMule 0.50a Scarangel 4.2

based on eMule 0.50a Xtreme 8.1 compiled with vs2010 SP1

Changed: Pause UBT when moving down slots in upload [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Schedule blocking clients for removal [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Schedule clients for moving down [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Show ModID in systray dialog sidebar [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Display ratio activation in WebInterface [Stulle] - Stulle

Fixed: Potential NULL-pointer bugs in Upload Bandwidth Throttler [Stulle] - Stulle

Note: The schedule changes will delay removal of blocking or moving down clients so the action will
be done when going through the uploading sockets the next time to avoid exceptions due to
changes in the upload list done by another thread while going through the sockets.
Official site

This news item is from eMule Security
( )

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